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How to start taking advantage of generative AI now – watch the webinar!


At Vincit, we want to cut through the hype surrounding generative AI and focus on concrete steps that will allow you to get the most out of this promising tool. As part of that process, we recently hosted a webinar with Outokumpu’s Head of Digital Platforms Kristiina Tiilas, Tamro CEO Kai Kaasalainen, and Vincit CEO Julius Manni to discuss this technology. Here’s what they had to say:

First, a short introduction
From Vincit’s point of view, there are three key things to consider when exploring generative AI solutions in your company:

  • Focus on time to value – with everything moving so fast in this field, it makes sense to start small with a proof of concept that can demonstrate business value in months or even weeks.
  • AI needs complementing friends – any one tool alone is not a silver bullet, which means you can’t expect to solve all your problems just by relying on generative AI.
  • You need to tame AI for your business – while having a short-term view on learning is key, in parallel you need to develop the capabilities of your company in the longer term. 

How to start using this technology

We then turned to our guests for some practical advice on using generative AI. Outokumpu has built a digital innovation hub with a set process for taking ideas and turning them into a proof of concept in a short amount of time. “You need to test quickly and learn quickly,” explains Kristiina. 
At Tamro, the goal has been to encourage people to use generative AI in a safe way. The company has an internal ChatGPT that can be used by anyone who wants to. The company also creates custom projects that use AI to help their customers. “With generative AI we really encourage people to try it, test it, and find use cases,” says Kai.

Practical advice for moving forward 

When it comes to giving some practical advice, our guests agree on the importance of top management being on board. But it goes even further than this. “The board level also needs to be considered – there should also be awareness to challenge leaders and ask: ‘what’s your company AI strategy,’” explains Kai. “Business leaders should also be on board,” adds Kristiina. “Something like this that can quickly generate business results is interesting to them.”
The group also discussed the steps for rolling out generative AI in an organization, which includes clear processes, training, and giving freedom to evaluate tools. Finally, we looked at some key learnings, with a company’s AI maturity and the need for developing support for employees being particularly important. “Believe in the power of individuals – it’s important to find people who are eager to be involved and who are willing to drive change and make things happen,” says Kai.  

Find out for yourself what our experts have to say on this topic: