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Blog: Rachel Valentine Mix!


Coordinating Eccentric Personalities of a Distinguished Tech Team!

This week Rachel Valentine joins Duck Tapes to share how YOU can ace your next developer interview! As Head of People for our Vincit California offices, there is no resume seen or applicant interviewed without first passing Rachel's desk. Today, we discuss developer traits and skills she wants to see during an interview, resume red flags she avoids, and the personal qualities that make the best new hires!

Before joining us at Vincit, Rachel studied multimedia journalism, and worked as a full time recruiter! Born with a British heart and an American citizenship, she worked hard to ensure she would have the opportunity to study abroad, and spent several years living in London! Any questions you have about tea, Shakespeare, and local sites to see should be directed to Rachel (along with your resume)!

Thank you so much for joining us Rachel and sharing your tips for aspiring developers!

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