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Blog: The key elements of sustainable partnership – Vincit x Reactron Technologies


Different forms of collaboration to boost businesses are quite common in the software industry, but what factors give a deeper meaning to a partnership? In this text, I will share a story about how our paths crossed with Vincit and what are the key elements of a successful partnership.

It was early May 2021 when I first reached out to Toni Mikkola, the Partner executive at Vincit. I had just started working for Reactron a few months earlier, and we were in the process of finding new partners to support our growth. Of course, I need to admit that I was a bit worried about how a big company like Vincit would react to a call from a small company like Reactron, but after my first call with Toni, I realised that there was nothing to worry about.

Reactron Technologies is a Espoo-based company founded in 2019 and the rapidly growing team currently consists of 15 experts providing skilled IT-consulting as well as custom software development, such as retail software development and others,  with the main focus on React, React Native, JS/TS, AWS and DevOps. We believe that by taking good care of the team, the company can take good care of its clients and partners. To put it short: “We build two things; Software and relationships, both of which are meant to last.”

The importance of soft values in creating a harmonious working environment

Our first project started only a month after the first contact and now we have several experts working on Vincit’s projects with new opportunities on the horizon. Besides just consulting, we have recently launched a new form of collaboration where Reactron is helping Vincit with some DevOps maintenance and small development accounts.

Working together has several benefits, one of the greatest being the “win-win-win-principle”. This means that our experts get the chance to work on Vincit’s exciting projects, we gain invaluable support for our growth and Vincit gets well-fitting experts that match the same quality criteria that they have for their internal recruits. Vincit’s projects are really wanted in our team and the word about working with Vincit has spread quickly in our internal conversations.

The fascinating customers and projects are not the only reasons why our experts are so interested in the Vincit projects; it is also the culture. Vincit doesn’t treat external experts differently but encourages them to participate in their internal educational programs and events.

One expert once told me he feels like “he has two professional homes, one at Reactron and one at Vincit. Both caring and supportive”. I think this summarises the social value of this partnership. Both Reactron and Vincit share the same social values. We prioritize taking care of our team and supporting their well-being and work-life balance.

During the past year, our company has doubled in size and the collaboration with Vincit has been one key factor in supporting our growth. We have been actively introduced to several Vincit account executives bringing more opportunities to our experts. We are happy to share this path with Vincit.

Special thanks to Vincitizens Toni Mikkola (Partner Executive), Joonas Leiro (Account Director), Mari Jokiranta (Director, Organizational Development) and Hans Vallden (SVP of Business Development, Vincit USA).


About the writer:
Markus Holmström is the CEO of Reactron Technologies Oy. He is passionate about learning new things about technology, even though he doesn’t do coding himself. He is striving to grow the business with a people first-mentality.