Towards a better tomorrow with Verto’s smart water metering system
Vercon Oy has over 35 years of experience in selling and manufacturing high-quality water metering systems. The company has grown into a leading service supplier in household-specific water metering data, with hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers all over Finland.
Our water consumption volumes often come as a shock to us: an average Finn living in an apartment building consumes 155 liters of water daily. By changing our habits and consumption patterns, we can reduce our water footprint significantly and contribute to more responsible water and energy consumption. Together with Verto, we developed the VertoLive service for their household-specific water metering system. This digital service has helped its users to save where it matters.

More responsible water and energy consumption
The reduction of water consumption plays a great role in energy conservation. According to Motiva, a Finnish state-owned specialist in energy and material efficiency, the average Finnish apartment building resident consumes 155 liters daily, which amounts to 56,000 liters yearly. Two-thirds of this is cold water and one-third warm water. 30% of condos’ heating energy goes into water heating. Every Finn can make an impact and reduce their water consumption by making small changes – and without compromising their quality of life.
Verto is a leading expert on water consumption, and for 35 years, its digital services have helped consumers to cut down on water use. The Verto water metering system gives its users easy and up-to-date access to their water usage data and makes changing consumption patterns efficient and straightforward. Verto’s water consumption data shows that real-time water use statistics and billing on the basis of actual consumption generate savings.
Our cooperation with Vincit has been fantastic. Vincit maintains, develops, and proactively reacts to VertoLive’s usability, giving Verto the freedom to focus on serving our clients. This long and fruitful collaboration has evolved into a fluent and flexible partnership.
Tomi Arola, Chief Technology Officer, Verto

A household-specific digital service
Our collaboration with Verto and our work on the household-specific VertoLive service began in 2011. This service is part of Verto’s water metering system, and it provides housing associations and residents with water consumption data through the VertoMobile app and screens installed in every apartment. Increased insight into this data helps individuals change their water and energy consumption patterns in a more sustainable direction. The ability to track water use in real-time and the simplicity of water billing create notable added value for the residents.
The target of the VertoLive service was to give the Verto water metering system a unique competitive edge, support sales, and enable business growth and profitability. The VertoLive service has been developed in cooperation with Vincit and Verto, using modern and contemporary technologies and ensuring the continuity and reliability of Verto’s business and their ability to tackle current and future challenges brought on by digitalization.

Expertise used
The household-specific water metering system and the VertoLive and VertoMobile services have brought significant benefits for the Verto users. A 30% reduction in Verto homes’ water consumption has lead to a 10% decrease in average energy consumption. Annually, Verto homes save €20,000,000 in their water billing. The development of VertoLive raises the possibilities of the Verto water metering system to a high level, and the new features make the service more user-friendly and versatile. Our collaboration continues and we currently focus on building AI and utilizing data in more efficient ways.