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Kodan – close two-way cooperation


Kodan is a Finnish company that builds digital solutions that solve business problems. The company is based in Helsinki and Tampere and made up of experts with a lot of experience – 17 years on average according to Toni Mikkola, COO at Kodan.


“We work in a different way with Vincit than the typical principal/subcontractor relationship,” explains Toni. “We have the possibility to solve real business problems for them, helping to make sense of entire projects, not just selling time and material-based expertise.” Kodan experts often work for long stints at Vincit – as just one example, one of their employees actually joined Vincit's team in Orange County, USA and stayed there for a couple of years. 


The cooperation also goes both ways, with Vincit experts working at Kodan when needed to help out with their projects. “This is possible because of the good and close relationship we have with Vincit. It’s mutual two-way cooperation,” says Toni. 

Working closely on a wide range of projects

Kodan has helped Vincit out on numerous projects across several fields, including logistics, parking, technology, health care, and telecoms. The company has also worked on fintech, IoT, media in development, and service design for a restaurant chain, digital games, and a startup service platform.

Kodan offers senior full-stack developers when Vincit needs extra development power on projects. A specific area where Kodan offers expertise is Clojure development. “We’re a top 3 company when it comes to Clojure. It’s not the most common programming language out there, but when it’s needed it’s irreplaceable – and Vincit can always turn to us for help,” explains Toni. 


Clear processes and onboarding

One of the things Kodan appreciates about working with Vincit is how clear everything is. “The frame agreement has the same terms for both sides, which is not typical in this industry. Typically, small companies just deliver man-hours to the principal company,” says Toni. Instead with Vincit, both companies use the same pricing table and cooperation models. 

Cooperation with Vincit is easier than with most other vendors because there is direct communication with account people. “Transparency is highly linked with our cooperation,” says Toni. “We know the customer, the case, and price levels. There is a facilitating and enabling partnership team instead of a purchasing team just buying as cheap and efficiently as possible.”

The process for onboarding has also been smooth. “They offer clear instructions with a dedicated team to support subcontractors. Sometimes in this field communicating with the principal can feel like talking with a black box – you send a request, never to hear anything again. It’s not that way with Vincit, we always get a response.”