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Wholesale and retail

Data-empowered digital commerce

To stand out in the global competition, wholesale and retail companies need to tap into process and customer data and think about the value they can extract from analytics. 

We can help
Manufacturing industries

Customer-centric, data-led manufacturing

For manufacturers, true digital transformation starts by envisioning where in the value chain can data be applied to make a difference.

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Public Sector

Accessible and intuitive public services

All public sector services should be designed to serve citizens first. Digital solutions and applications must be easy to use, despite physical and cognitive disabilities.

We can help
Energy and utilities

Dynamic and resilient energy economy

Digital processes and data-led services help energy and utility sector companies develop a stable energy offering with transparent, customer-centric services.

We can help
Digital platform economy

Fast-tracking innovative business models

Shared platforms offer fast entry to new markets, cost-efficiently and scalably. But lasting value add comes from cross-industry collaboration and linking products with complimentary services.

We can help
Banking, finance and insurance

Agile business, customer-centric services

Digitally disrupted, the companies in the banking, finance and insurance sector must actively innovate new approaches to build omnichannel customer experiences that fully utilize data.

We can help
Medical devices manufacturers

User-centric healthcare applications

While medical device software is strictly regulated, there's room for innovations that make life easier for patients and caregivers. Stable and secure data flow is a must.

We can help

Here's our blogs – Have a read!


Consumer brands

Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement vs. Customer Experience in E-Commerce

In the world of digital technology, two commonly used terms are "customer engagement" and "customer experience”. Sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably, however, they are not the same. As businesses strive to stand out in an increasingly competitive...

Rodrigo Chavez

October 10 2023


Customer Engagement

User Experience vs. Customer Experience: Key Differences

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, where the digital realm intertwines with the physical, crafting exceptional customer experiences (CX) and user experiences (UX) has become paramount for success. While these two terms are often used interchangeably,...

Rodrigo Chavez

October 10 2023



Customer Engagement

Cracking the Code of MVP Design: Prioritize UX

Rodrigo Chavez

October 5 2023



Customer Engagement

Styling a Superior User Experience on Your App

When developing a new app, one step is often overlooked: styling. Styling can be a little bit like film editing—when it’s done correctly, you hardly notice it; you just know you enjoyed the movie. Untrained eyes don’t see the effort behind it–they simply know that...

Rodrigo Chavez

October 4 2023


Blog: How to design the perfect system

A design system is not only design kits or code used to build modern digital solutions – it’s the flow of interactions and the organization of the people creating digital experiences. In addition to reusable assets and patterns that are used to streamline the process...

Mia Nygrén

February 27 2023




Blog: The IBU app wins a Red Dot!

Being awarded with a Red Dot is like winning at the Oscars: it’s a seal of approval that a design is (as we like to say) ducking outstanding. After all, it's one of the world's largest design competitions, with around 20,000 entries every year from major brands...


November 10 2022




Blog: Lower the Bar – Starting With Web Accessibility

Developers often face challenges getting started with Web accessibility due to its perceived complexity and the time involved to ensure full accessibility. But is it necessary to set such a high bar? Why not start with a more attainable goal? For instance, focus on...

Eyal Eshet

September 22 2022


Blog: What is UX Strategy? And How Can You Create and Transform the Customer Journey?

Here's what UX strategy is and how one can transform the customer journey in order to consider many user touch points when developing digital experiences.

Sean Richards

November 2 2021


Blog: 5 Foundations to Building A Solid UX Strategy for your Brand

A solid UX strategy bridges relationships with your users, increases brand awareness, and boosts conversions. Here are five foundations to UX strategy.

Sean Richards

October 12 2021


Blog: How to boost design thinking part 3 – Design critique

In the final part of our design thinking blog series, we focus on design critique. Our Service Designer Pirkka offers tips for facilitating constructive feedback.

Pirkka Rannikko

September 7 2021


Blog: How to boost design thinking part 2: Design communication

In the second part of our blog series, our Service Designer Pirkka shares his thoughts on design communication.

Pirkka Rannikko

August 31 2021


Blog: How to boost design thinking part 1– Design, mentoring and creative thinking

This blog kicks off a three-part blog series where our service designer Pirkka discusses design thinking on the basis of his own mentoring process. In part 1, Pirkka talks about his experiences within Vincit’s mentoring program and shares how it shaped his views on...

Pirkka Rannikko

August 25 2021



Blog: Circular economy sparks new business – where to start?

The circular economy is the hot topic of the day. It offers solutions to climate change and creates new business and growth opportunities for companies. According to Sitra’s evaluation, a circular economy will offer Finland’s economy an annual growth potential of at...



Blog: Are You Prepared for Digital-First Home Buyers and Renters?

Here's how to upgrade the digital experience you offer, and how Vincit can help develop innovative features to help your web visitors feel ready to buy or rent, even if they haven't been on-site.

Anssi Kuutti

April 28 2021




Blog: How to start developing information security management in a human-centered way?

Part 2: In my previous blog post on human-centered information security management (ISM) I expressed the idea that design thinking and service design methods could be used to develop information security management. In the world of service and product development,...

Pirkka Rannikko

November 26 2020




Blog: Human-centered information security management

Part 1: Due to the recent data breach of the Finnish Psychotherapy Center Vastaamo, information security is once again a hot topic. Last spring, I got to be involved in helping our client develop the information security management system of Finnpark’s Moovy service,...

Pirkka Rannikko

October 30 2020




Blog: 5 ways in which accessibility will improve your business

In this blog post, I will tell you why building an accessible service is not only the right but also the business-savvy thing to do. I will introduce five ways in which accessibility will improve your business online.

Jarno Ojala

October 21 2020



Blog: Agile and design – together at last

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve felt that the challenges of digitalization only present one wicked problem after another? The organization has silos whose walls can’t be penetrated with solutions, you don’t know how to tackle a problem that...

Ville Pohjola

September 28 2020



Blog: Top ten questions from digital design

Every collaboration and project is different but we often hear the same questions about design: Who needs design? How much should we invest in design? Is the purpose of design just to make things pretty? And so on... In this article we have collected top ten...

Heidi Tetri

September 21 2020



Blog: Four ways to enable mobile payments in apps

There are several ways to enable mobile payments in your app, and each of them is suitable for slightly different situations. When planning the development of your mobile app, it’s good to be aware of the different options and their pros and cons. In the best-case...

Mikko Seppä

June 23 2020



Blog: Why you should consider accessibility in your development

Accessibility does not only maximize the number of potential users in web and mobile applications, but it also supports equality and social inclusion by making sure that the internet is for everyone. After reading this blog post, you’ll know what accessibility means...


Blog: The Dawn of Planet Centric Design

It was a dark, rainy day in Helsinki. A group of CEOs, CIOs, senior research experts, lead service designers, and sustainability managers gathered to Vincit’s office to figure out ways to accelerate the sustainability transition. Although it may have looked gloomy...

Andrew Matias

December 16 2019


Blog: Is the Tesla Cybertruck ugly or beautiful?

My first impression of the Tesla Cybertruck at the unveiling was similar to many people’s reactions, something like “Uh, what?”. I thought it looked half-baked and awkward, and was actually mad about it. I believe in Tesla’s mission and have been continuously...

Justin Beaulieu

November 27 2019


Blog: Designing for an age of transition

Businesses need to rethink their design strategy to build sustainable products and services that resonate positively with the modern consumer. The strategy needs to be based on a mindset of responsibility, transparency and systemic thinking.

Kimmo Kuisma

November 13 2019


What is User Experience (UX) and Why is it Important?

User Experience (UX) is vital for successful products. It has gone from being a differentiator to being an expectation, at least for most industries. It can be hard to get a grasp on the value of UX work, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the process....

Justin Beaulieu

July 18 2019


Blog: A different kind of UX team


Justin Beaulieu

June 19 2019