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Wholesale and retail

Data-empowered digital commerce

To stand out in the global competition, wholesale and retail companies need to tap into process and customer data and think about the value they can extract from analytics. 

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Manufacturing industries

Customer-centric, data-led manufacturing

For manufacturers, true digital transformation starts by envisioning where in the value chain can data be applied to make a difference.

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Public Sector

Accessible and intuitive public services

All public sector services should be designed to serve citizens first. Digital solutions and applications must be easy to use, despite physical and cognitive disabilities.

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Energy and utilities

Dynamic and resilient energy economy

Digital processes and data-led services help energy and utility sector companies develop a stable energy offering with transparent, customer-centric services.

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Digital platform economy

Fast-tracking innovative business models

Shared platforms offer fast entry to new markets, cost-efficiently and scalably. But lasting value add comes from cross-industry collaboration and linking products with complimentary services.

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Banking, finance and insurance

Agile business, customer-centric services

Digitally disrupted, the companies in the banking, finance and insurance sector must actively innovate new approaches to build omnichannel customer experiences that fully utilize data.

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Medical devices manufacturers

User-centric healthcare applications

While medical device software is strictly regulated, there's room for innovations that make life easier for patients and caregivers. Stable and secure data flow is a must.

We can help

Here's our blogs – Have a read!

Processes & platforms


Blog: How SAP Analytics Cloud will take your planning to the next level

Do you have to plan with solutions that don’t support your business environment, company structure, or planning process – even though this means a decrease in planning efficiency and accuracy? We’ve met plenty of customers who are struggling with the same issues....

Juha Minkkinen

June 29 2023

Processes & platforms


Blog: Five key takeaways from the SAP Build Hackathon 2023

We recently participated in the Build Hackathon 2023 organized by SAP. Our team of four experts used the SAP Build ecosystem to develop innovative web and mobile solutions. By incorporating SAP Build Apps, Workflow, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Intelligent...

Jamal Armel

May 23 2023

Processes & platforms

Blog: Take the lead in your industry with modern business technology

In today’s world, nearly everything is digital – both in business and private life. Sometimes you don’t even realize how things work behind the scenes as processes are automated and ‘just happen’ without any visible sign during the process.

Sari Mikkonen

February 10 2023

Processes & platforms


Blog: SAP can help enable digital transformation

At first glance, digital natives and their disruptive start-ups may seem to have little in common with SAP, since start-ups usually start small and lean and so don’t have either the requirement or resources to use ERP software. However, a digital transformation...

Johannes Teppo

December 14 2022

Wholesale and retail

Processes & platforms

Blog: Digital eXperience Platforms – the make of a modern digital customer experience

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on our consumer habits, and not just in the way we use digital services. Walmart, the biggest retailer in the U.S., recently announced that their online sales surged an incredible 74% in the last quarter compared to a...

Jarkko Järvenpää

October 13 2020